How do I determine and shut off an alarm that goes off?

I have an iPhone 7 Plus running 10.1.1. Everything works fine but I have a audible notice that goes off every morning at 8:00am. The problem is I don't know what it is from. I checked the clock app and I don't have any alarms set. I thought it was the Golden Days app, but even after removing it, the notice gots off. I have several items in OmniFocus that are due at 8:00am, but to my knowledge OmniFocus does not use audible notifications. I am stumped.

Any guidance on how to track down and shut off this daily notice would be appreciated.

My apologies to the community for the long delay in responding to this question. I finally figured out that it was the Reminders app that was going off each morning at 8:00am. Even though no reminders were showing up on the lock screen of my iPhone, the alarm went off dutifully.

The solution: turn off notification for Reminders in the Notification Center.