Spotlight search result for contact does not open found contact in Address Book

When I search for a contact in Spotlight (Cmd-Space), the correct contacts show.

When I select a contact (Enter), Address Book opens, but it has no contact selected. I have to look for the same contact again, this time in Address Book.

I use this all the time and am certain it used to work. Have tried rebuilding Spotlight index by removing Address Book from Spotlight and re-adding it.

Anyone else have this issue? Any suggestions for a fix?

Solution 1:

I resolved it by brute force.

  1. Open Spotlight in System Preferences.
  2. Remove everything except PDF.
  3. Add my home folder to excluded items in Privacy tab.
  4. Reboot.
  5. Open Spotlight.
  6. Remove my home folder from excluded items in Privacy tab.
  7. Add Contacts to items indexed by Spotlight.

Presto, it's working again. I hope it keeps working.