Is there an adverb in English, meaning "with an interest"?

I would like to translate in English a Chinese phrase, whose literal meaning is "to do some action, led by an interest in some goal". On this account, I have been wondering whether there exists an English adverb that expresses the meaning "with an interest"?

For example:

He is an expert in the field that I have a problem with, so I am expecting his talk "with a great interest"...


I researched your company "with an interest" and thus I came across your advert for ...

PS: The phrase, I am struggling to translate, means something along the lines of "If you want your life to be beneficial, live with an interest" (i.e. have an interest in something, follow some goals, seek, etc).

Solution 1:

Eagerly is probably the word you are looking for. It's more common in everyday usage than ardently.

Solution 2:

Perhaps the most obvious choice is interestedly.

In an interested manner; through self-interest; with interest or concern.

1886 R. Broughton Dr. Cupid I. vii. 114 "A figure whose manœuvres are interestedly watched by the rest of the company."


I admit that the clash of so many alveolar consonants at the end of the word sounds rather clumsy.

Solution 3:

There are a lot of words that might work, but I'd suggest ardently, which is defined by as "very enthusiastic or passionate".

One alternative suggested by that definition itself might be enthusiastically. Enthusiasm is defined by that same website as "intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval".