Short phrase for "things I did (wrote, drew, created, etc) when I was younger"?

What's a one or two word phrase that conveys the meaning "These are some things that I did when I was younger."? The context is a blog that features Writings, Photography, and Artwork. The short phrase will be used as a possible category of the blog's posts.

Solution 1:

Juvenilia is the word I would use here.

Solution 2:

Childish scribblings may be what you're looking for though it is a touch negative.

Youthful endeavours could serve too

and failing that

early works though depending on the quality of the earlier work it might make you sound like you take yourself a touch too seriously.

Solution 3:

I suggest Crayonings.

Solution 4:

I note that others have taken "younger" to mean "teenage" or "childish", but I can't see anything in your question that implies either. So...

Older creations

Previous works

From the vault

Early works

Lost treasures

Or a mixture of some of these words.