Remove columns from dataframe where ALL values are NA

I'm having trouble with a data frame and couldn't really resolve that issue myself:
The dataframe has arbitrary properties as columns and each row represents one data set.

The question is:
How to get rid of columns where for ALL rows the value is NA?

Solution 1:

Try this:

df <- df[,colSums(<nrow(df)]

Solution 2:

The two approaches offered thus far fail with large data sets as (amongst other memory issues) they create, which will be an object the same size as df.

Here are two approaches that are more memory and time efficient

An approach using Filter

Filter(function(x)!all(, df)

and an approach using data.table (for general time and memory efficiency)

DT <-
DT[,which(unlist(lapply(DT, function(x)!all(,with=F]

examples using large data (30 columns, 1e6 rows)

big_data <- replicate(10, data.frame(rep(NA, 1e6), sample(c(1:8,NA),1e6,T), sample(250,1e6,T)),simplify=F)
bd <-,big_data)
names(bd) <- paste0('X',seq_len(30))
DT <-

system.time({df1 <- bd[,colSums( < nrow(bd))]})
# error -- can't allocate vector of size ...
system.time({df2 <- bd[, !apply(, 2, all)]})
# error -- can't allocate vector of size ...
system.time({df3 <- Filter(function(x)!all(, bd)})
## user  system elapsed 
## 0.26    0.03    0.29 
system.time({DT1 <- DT[,which(unlist(lapply(DT, function(x)!all(,with=F]})
## user  system elapsed 
## 0.14    0.03    0.18