Why is /System/Library/User Template protected?

Why can't users read /System/Library/User Template?

Is there anything in there that is sensitive and should be protected against reading?

If /System/Library/User Template were not protected against reading, it'd be useful to see how a freshly created user home looks like and to restore parts of it in your own home.

Solution 1:

/System/Library/User Template is protected not only by its permissions, but also because of System Integrity Protection as it's under /System

A common troubleshooting method used by system administrators is to create a new user account and see if whatever problem the user is happening is also happening there.

If, for example, a malicious Program were to infect the computer it could use the user template to perform a variety of things on all new users that are created.

It's permissions are not really meant to prevent anything sensitive from leaving, but rather prevent anything malicious from entering.