Use a calendar as desktop wallpaper

Solution 1:

  1. Install dates Install dates

  2. Open Dates

  3. In Calendar > Properties > create new

    enter image description here Provide the link to ical (.ics) calendar; remove https://

  4. install compizconfig-settings-manager Install compizconfig-settings-manager

  5. Open Startup Applications

  6. Add
    Name: Dates; Command: dates; Comment: Dates callendar application

  7. Open CompizConfig Settings Manager

  8. Go to Window Management -> Window Rules

    enter image description here

  9. In Size rules (adjust to your monitor) enter image description here

  10. Go to Window Management -> Place Windows -> Fixed Window Placement

  11. Under Windows with fixed positions (you might want to set Y = 24(task-bar height), to show the menu bar)

    enter image description here

Thank you Kory Wnuk for the inspiration your answer gave me.

Solution 2:

using conky and gcalcli

enter image description here

One way is to use conky to do that task. Here's a tutorial for it.

Basically it says to use gcalcli to connect to your Google calendar, and use the .conkyrc script there to display it. you can change fonts and colors in that file too.

There's a more detailed Ubuntu forums thread about it.

Solution 3:

You could use Rainlendar

The normal version is free; the version including network synced calendars costs ~10€. I got to say, though, those 10€ a couple years ago rank among my best value-for-money purchases ever.

enter image description here