Deleting a file after user download it

I am using this for sending file to user

header('Content-type:  application/zip');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=""');

I want to delete this file after user downloads it, how can i do this?

EDIT: My scenario is like that, when user hits download button, my script will create a temporary zip file and user download it then that temp zip file will be deleted.

EDIT2: OK best way seems running a cron job that will be cleaning temp files once an hour.

EDIT3: I tested my script with unlink, it works unless user cancel the download. If user cancel the download, zip file stays on the server. So that is enough for now. :)

EDIT4: WOW! connection_aborted() made the trick !

if (connection_aborted()) {

This one will delete the file even if user cancel the download.

Solution 1:


This will delete the file.

It needs to be combined with ignore_user_abort()Docs so that the unlink is still executed even the user canceled the download.




Solution 2:

I always use the following solution, using register_shutdown_function:

register_shutdown_function('unlink', $file);