What does: Error Broken count >0 mean?

Just click on forbidden Icon on top bar, select "Show updates" and follow screen instructions:

enter image description here

by right-click on it, this error message written in it:

An error occurred, please run Package Manager from the right-click menu or apt-get in a teminal to see what is wrong. The error message was :'Error:BrokenCount>0'. This usually means that your installed packages have unment dependences

Also you can use command instead: sudo apt-get install --fix-broken

As the message says, you might have bad repositories. You can either remove them, or remove all repositories and only keep the default ones.


gksu software-properties-gtk

This will open the software sources dialog. Click on "Other Software" and remove all third party repositories.

will be like this

After that, run this command and see if the problem has been solved:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -f && sudo apt-get update

Run this in the terminal

This solved the issue

sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf
sudo apt-get update

If you have installed Synaptic Package manager then simply filter the broken packages and mark for complete removal. And then hit apply!