How to Disable Right-Click in Windows XP / Windows 7?

What is the least invasive way (read: least amount of modification to the OS; or least invasive software or utility) to disable the right-click ability of a pointing device in Windows XP and/or Windows 7?

Edit: apparently people are making silly assumptions and down-voting this question. To clarify on the backdrop -- this is for a Kiosk-like setup, not for personal use.

I'm not sure if there is a simple way to do this across the whole OS (i.e. disable the button completely for every application) but you can at least disable the desktop/Explorer context menus.

  1. Browse to this key in the registry: HKEY_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer

  2. Change the value of NoViewContextMenu to 1.

If NoViewContextMenu doesn't exist then you can create it. Right click in the right-hand pane, select New, then DWORD Value (on Windows XP) or DWORD (32-bit) Value (on Windows 7).

I was looking for the same thing. I wanted to disable the right mouse button but I could not find a good software solution. I just physically removed the right mouse button from the circuitboard inside the mouse. It was the quickest and least invasive method I could find.

I'm not sure about least invasive, but a simple Autohotkey script set to load on startup can do it.


You can also compile the script to a standalone executable so AHK does not have to be installed in the destination computer. Then it becomes a small, simple executable that you can run on startup to disable the right mouse button.

You would also need to restrict access to Task Manager, so they can't just end the process.