How to sort files into folders, according to file names - Windows CMD

Solution 1:

You simply need to split the FileName, get the number (like 1001), compare the number to the folders, get the correct folder and move the files in there:

# Folder where Files and Folders are located
$TopFolder = "C:\Install"

# Getting Folders and Files
$Folders = gci $TopFolder -OutVariable Files | ? { $_.PSisContainer }

# Loop over all Files with *.png extension
$Files | ? { $_.Extension -eq '.png' } | % {

    # Split FileName to get the number (like 1001)
    $num = ($_.Name -split "_")[1]

    # Get FolderName by reading out foldername (without 'x') and compare it to number
    $MoveTo = $Folders | ? { $_.Name.substring(1,($_.Name.length -1)) -eq $num }

    # If a folder was found, move file there. else print error
    if ($MoveTo)
        Move-Item $_.FullName $MoveTo -Force
        Write-Host "Copied File $($_.Name) to $MoveTo"
        Write-Host "Did not find folder x$($num) in $TopFolder" 

Solution 2:

The following batch

  • Changes to the folder to start in
  • iterates with a for command through all *.png file
  • uses a for /f to split the name at the underscores into tokens and uses the 2nd 3rd one to
  • check if a subfolder x with the number exists, if not it is created
  • finally moves the file to the subfolder.

:: Q:\Test\2018\06\03\SU_1328200.cmd
@Echo off 
PushD "C:\Users\UserName\Pictures\"

For %%A in (t_*_*_*.png) do For /F "tokens=3delims=_" %%B in ("%%A") Do (
  If Not exist "x%%B" MD "x%%B"
  Move "%%A" "x%%B"

Sample tree /F after running the batch
(outdated from first requirement with 2nd token)

> tree /F
│       t_1001_1801.png
│       t_1001_1802.png
│       t_1001_1803.png
│       t_1001_2112.png
│       t_1002_1801.png
│       t_1002_1802.png
│       t_1002_1803.png
│       t_1002_2112.png
│       t_1003_1801.png
│       t_1003_1802.png
│       t_1003_1803.png

A PowerShell script:

## Q:\Test\2018\06\03\SU_1328200.ps1
PushD  "C:\Users\UserName\Pictures\"
Get-ChildItem t_*_*_*.png |
  Where BaseName -match 't_\d{2}_(\d{4})_\d{4}'|
    Group {'x'+$Matches[1]}|
      ForEach{MD $_.Name;$_.Group|Move -Dest $_.Name}