How to skip the for loop when there are no matching files?

Solution 1:

You can stop this behaviour by setting nullglob:

shopt -s nullglob

From the linked page:

nullglob is a Bash shell option which modifies [[glob]] expansion such that patterns that match no files expand to zero arguments, rather than to themselves.

You can remove this setting with -u (unset, whereas s is for set):

shopt -u nullglob


$ touch foo1 foo2 foo3
$ for file in foo*; do echo "$file"; done
$ rm foo*

Let's see:

$ for file in foo*; do echo "$file"; done

Setting nullglob:

$ shopt -s nullglob
$ for file in foo*; do echo "$file"; done

And then we disable the behaviour:

$ shopt -u nullglob
$ for file in foo*; do echo "$file"; done

Solution 2:

The standard way to do this (if you can't or don't want to use nullglob) is to simply check if the file exists.

for file in foo*; do
    [ -f "$file" ] || continue

The overhead of checking each value of $file is necessary because if $file expands to foo*, you don't yet know if there actually was a file named foo* (because it matches the pattern) or if the pattern failed to match and expanded to itself. Using nullglob, of course, removes that ambiguity because a failed expansion produces no arguments and the loop itself never executes the body.