City Steward has died, how do I buy a house now?

After fighting with the Imperial side at the following quest:

Battle for Whiterun

The town steward died. I didn't see him die per say, but once I went back in town, a courier came to me with an inhereitance letter saying that the town's steward had passed away.

The problem is, I didn't have the funds to buy the house earlier, and now I remembered that the Steward is dead. Is there any other way to buy an house after the steward has passed away?

I am playing on PC, however I'd prefer to get a solution that didn't involve using the console commands preferably (I'm trying to do a 0 commands run). Although I'll use the resurrect command if I absolutely must.

Proventus should be essential. Maybe try teleporting him to you- unless you are using a mod that makes him unessential, he should be alive. Or just try waiting a few hours in dragons reach- he might yet turn up.