How to set the scroll speed of apple magic mouse?

How to set the scroll speed of apple magic mouse?

I only found the moving speed.

Solution 1:

At the moment only way is setup it directly in hid_magicmouse driver.

For testing run:

sudo rmmod hid_magicmouse
# scroll-speed value from 0 (slow) to 63 (fast):
sudo modprobe hid_magicmouse scroll-speed=45 scroll-acceleration=1 

For permanent settings put to the /etc/modprobe.d/magicmouse.conf this:

options hid_magicmouse scroll-speed=45 scroll-acceleration=1

Solution 2:

You can also write to the parameters via the /sys kernel interface:

$ ls /sys/module/hid_magicmouse/parameters/
emulate_3button  emulate_scroll_wheel  report_undeciphered  scroll_acceleration  scroll_speed
$ cat /sys/module/hid_magicmouse/parameters/scroll_speed
$ echo N | sudo tee /sys/module/hid_magicmouse/parameters/scroll_acceleration 

You can ogle the source here: