Xfce - Docky & Thunar - Missing icon

Found a solution. Was just a missing file. Do a

sudo cp /usr/share/applications/Thunar.desktop ~/.local/share/applications

and the Problem should be resolved.

But one problem remains: Thunar remains twice in the docky-panel.

sudo cp /usr/share/applications/xfce4-terminal.desktop ~/.local/share/applications

For the terminal.

I used wegsehen's idea and copied all the desktop files to the .local. Then I removed all docky icons and added them from the .local and that fixed the double icon problem for me.

I copied all .desktop files to the ~/.local/share/applications

sudo cp /usr/share/applications/* ~/.local/share/applications

Then I removed for example the Thunar shortcut from docky and added it again, but now from ~/.local/share/applications (dragging it over worked) You can do that to any other icon you want in docky