Solution 1:

To sketch a partial solution to this we puzzle we can use some group character theory. Below I have included the character tables of $Sym(5)$ and $Alt(5)$. We first observe that the function


is a group character, and by a well known theorem (Theorem 2.6.1) we see that $\chi(g)=\rho_1(g)+\rho_4(g)$, restricting to $Alt(5)$ we see that $\chi(g)=\phi_1(g)+\phi_4(g)$.

Now fix $\sigma=(12345)$ and pick and conjugacy class representatives in $Alt(5)$:




and $\pi_4=\sigma^{-1}$.

We have:





and $[\sigma,\pi_5]=(15432)=\sigma^{-1}$.






and $\sigma^2[\sigma,\pi_5]=(12345)=\sigma$.

Now, evaluating the character


on those conjugacy classes gives either $2$ or $5$, and we're done.

For example, for $\pi_2$ we have



I'll include some remarks about why this not a complete solution and what remains to be proven. The key mystery seems to be that to obtain $2$ or $5$ we require the elements $[\sigma,\pi]$ and $\sigma^2[\sigma,\pi]$ to have orders $(1,5)$, $(1,3)$, $(5,1)$, $(3,1)$ or $(2,2)$. Why this happens, I do not know. That being said, the fact that the commutator of two elements of $Alt(5)$ is clearly going to be contained in $Alt(5)$, also multiplying a commutator of $Alt(5)$ elements by an element of $Alt(5)$ will also be in $Alt(5)$.

The character table of $Sym(5)$:

$$ \begin{array}{c|rrrrrrr} \rm class&\rm1&\rm2&\rm2^2&\rm3^1&\rm4^1&\rm5^1&\rm6^1\cr \rm size&1&10&15&20&30&24&20\cr \hline \rho_{1}&1&1&1&1&1&1&1\cr \rho_{2}&1&-1&1&1&-1&1&-1\cr \rho_{3}&4&-2&0&1&0&-1&1\cr \rho_{4}&4&2&0&1&0&-1&-1\cr \rho_{5}&5&1&1&-1&-1&0&1\cr \rho_{6}&5&-1&1&-1&1&0&-1\cr \rho_{7}&6&0&-2&0&0&1&0\cr \end{array} $$

The character table of $Alt(5)$:

$$ \begin{array}{c|rrrrr} \rm class&\rm1&\rm2^2&\rm3^1&\rm5_A&\rm5_B\cr \rm size&1&15&20&12&12\cr \hline \phi_{1}&1&1&1&1&1\cr \phi_{2}&3&-1&0&\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}&\frac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2}\cr \phi_{3}&3&-1&0&\frac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2}&\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}\cr \phi_{4}&4&0&1&-1&-1\cr \phi_{5}&5&1&-1&0&0\cr \end{array} $$