How do I change the prepackaged music to custom ones of my own?

Listening to the same old songs is getting kind of bland. So to fix that I want to know how to get rid of the prepackaged songs (sorry Scott Shelly) and replace them with some files of my own. Is this possible to do?

It is possible to replace the in-game soundtrack with songs of your choosing. The game will even handle transitioning from one song to the next depending on what biome you're in/which enemies you're facing/etc. However, although the process only requires replacing the soundtrack file, creating the new soundtrack file in the first place is a pretty big hassle.

The detailed steps are listed on this page, but I will summarize the steps here:

  1. Download and install Visual Studio (yes, the programming tool).
  2. Download and install XNA Game Studio.
  3. Download and install an audio editor. (Audacity is recommended in the linked guide)
  4. Take all the songs you want and export them into WAV format.
  5. Open the Microsoft Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool (XACT) - should be included in the XNA Game Studio installation.
  6. Use XACT to create a wavebank file. Detailed instruction in the linked guide. (Or you can probably find other tutorials online.) Make sure to add the music files exactly like the guide explains, or the wavebank will not work.
  7. Take the wavebank file (Wave Bank.xwb) and move it to Steam\SteamApps\common\Terraria\Content. (Make sure to back up the old file in case you need to switch back.)

Once done, you should be able to start the game as usual and your custom soundtrack will play.