Using MS Word Table Styles to Change Font Size

I made a custom table style using MS Word 2007. I set the font to be Arial 10pt and to apply to the whole table. The font changed to Arial, but the font size of my table did not change. When I go to Modify Table Style again the drop-down for the font size is blank (i.e. no size is selected). Attempting to change the font size via the drop-down or Format->Font button has no effect. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong? Thanks.

I experienced the same problem and generalized the explanations in that question.

For that specific question, it comes from the fact that the Internal Root Style (IRS) is TNR, 10 pts. If the Paragraph style applied to the text in the table differs from that, it will override whatever you set in the Table style.

The solution is then to set the Normal Style to 10 pts, which will avoid him to override the IRS. Then you'll have to deal with it and create your own styles if you don't want to use 10 pts Font in your text body. My advise would be to create a "My Normal" style, and make every styles which previously inherits from the Normal style inherit from "My Normal" style. Note that the paragraph style applied to the table must also be 10 pts.

This is apparently a bug that Microsoft isn't going to fix.