Recovering folder from Recycle Bin in Windows 7 using command line tools
- Firstly open your command prompt
- MS-DOS window, the directory will be C:\Users\ (Your User Name) \ in Windows 7 and C:\Documents and Settings\ (Your User Name) \ in Windows XP
- cd../.. and press enter .
- cd $Recycle.Bin in Win7 or cd RECYCLER in WinXP and press enter.
- cd and press tab . You'll see that the line is filled with a directory name like this "S-1-5-21-564594560-2944949298-4040108220-1000". Press enter.
- dir/a to see all the files including hidden files in that directory. The file you want to recover will also be there. But the name of the file may be changed.
- Here deleted a system file named "BOOTSECT.BAK". Its been renamed as "$I1R8ZP3.BAK"
- copy (The Name of the File) (The location)
For eg., type copy $I1R8ZP3.BAK C:\
- cd../.. to go to the root directory.
- dir and enter. You'll see the file you copied from the Recycle Bin directory there
- ren (The Name of the File) (The Name You Want)
For eg., type ren $I1R8ZP3.BAK BOOTSECT.BAK
- Thats great it! The file is restored. Restart your computer