Applications gone from Dock. How to restore?

Solution 1:

Hmm, depending on how precisely you formulated the question there are several possible answers:

  1. The Applications folder is missing from the Dock

    • Navigate to Computer in Finder (Shift-Command-C)
    • Open local hard drive (usually called "Macintosh HD" or computername)
    • Drag the Applications folder to the Dock (near the end where the other folders and the trash are located)
    • Right-click the folder in the Dock and select show as folder
  2. The Applications folder/link is missing from the Favorites list in any Finder window

    • Step 1 and 2 as above
    • Drag the Applications folder to the Favorites list
  3. You are actually missing the Launchpad icon from the Dock

    • Step 1 and 2 as above
    • Open the Applications folder
    • Locate Launchpad and drag it to the Dock (near the beginning this time)

Solution 2:

go to finder. in the left panel, find the Applications folder. right click and select "Add to Dock", when the App folder shows in the dock - if it shows differently than before, again right click, and "Display as" select "Folder".

Solution 3:

You can find the Applications folder by clicking on the Finder icon in the Dock.

Then typing + + G. In the sheet window opened type /Applications. The Finder will the Go the folder. From there, just drag it back to your Dock.

If you're talking about the App Store icon:

mac app store

Invoke Spotlight, type App Store and then + .
A Finder window will open with the App Store app selected, and you'll just have to drag it back to the Dock.

Solution 4:

You have to drag it onto the "folders and files" section of the dock, which is next to the trash can.

You cannot put a folder in the main applications section of the dock.

When you drop it on the dock, it will not immediately allow you to add a new item - it will instead attempt to let you drop it onto something on the dock. You may need to hold it in between two icons for a second or so before the icons slide to the side, then you can drop it on the dock.

Alternatively, you can type this into a shell to reset the dock to the default state:

defaults delete; killall Dock

It will also reset a few other settings. See defaults read to see what will be deleted.

This may also work for you:

defaults delete persistent-apps
defaults delete persistent-others
killall Dock