Terminal FTP client with progress bar

I'm SSHing to a headless Ubuntu box and sometimes need to upload files from that box via FTP. The built-in FTP client does not show the progress of my upload (or at least I don't know how to view it). I just see this during the operation (which could take up to an hour):

150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for MyFile

Are there any FTP clients which I could use in terminal and would show the progress (some kind of a progress bar or just the percentage)?

Solution 1:

You could type the 'hash' command inside FTP to turn on some kind of feedback.

I always used to use ncftp as it gave good command line editing, history, and progress.

Solution 2:

ncftpput is what you want. There is no better shell ftpclient :) You will see your progress in %, uploaded bytes and remaining time.