Xcode 6.0.1 not displaying memory usage

I've upgraded to Xcode 6.0.1 from 5.1 and when I'm running my app, I can't see memory usage in debug navigator:

enter image description here

I'm getting memory warnings. Yes, I could profile my app instruments without debugging, but seeing direct memory usage simply while debugging helps me a lot. How can I re-enable this functionality? I've restarted Xcode, rebuilt my project etc but I still can't see memory usage. The problem is present both when debugging on device or on the simulator. When I click the memory tab, I also get this weird "zeroed out" dashboard:

enter image description here

Solution 1:

I have resolved disabling Memory Guard diagnostic in the Scheme. From Xcode: Menu Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme... -> Diagnostic Tab -> uncheck all Guard options

If still doesn't work, try to disable (if enabled) the "Enable Zombie Object" checkbox.