Removing part of a filename for multiple files on Linux

I want to remove test.extra from all of my file names in current directory

for filename in *.fasta;do 

    echo $filename | sed \e 's/test.extra//g'


but it complains about not founding file.echo is to be sure it list correctly.

Solution 1:

First of all use 'sed -e' instead of '\e'

And I would suggest you do it this way in bash

for filename in *.fasta; do 
    [ -f "$filename" ] || continue
    mv "$filename" "${filename//test.extra/}"


Solution 2:

Try rename "extra.test" "" *

Or rename 's/extra.test//;' *

$ find

$ rename "extra.test" "" *
$ find

Solution 3:

I know this tread is old, but the following oneliner, inspired from the validated answer, helped me a lot ;)

for filename in ./*; do mv "./$filename" "./$(echo "$filename" | sed -e 's/test.extra//g')";  done

Solution 4:

Try the rename command:

rename 's/test.extra//g' *.fasta

Solution 5:

$ mmv '*test.extra*.fasta' '#1#2.fasta'

This is safe in the sense that mmv will not do anything at all if it would otherwise overwrite existing files (there are command-line options to turn this off).