Reminding others of one’s favors for them [closed]

What do you call a person who keeps reminding others of one’s favors for them? When you fight with a person who then keeps telling you I did that I did this for you and so on. I want to tell them that it's inappropriate to remind others of the favors you did for them, especially if I appreciate those favors and try my best to return them.

I'd call them a scorekeeper.

A scorekeeper is:

: a person who records the official score in a game or contest

(Merriam Webster)

However, it's used often in interpersonal arguments.

For example, in this Art of Manliness article:

But like all couples, we occasionally have arguments. And a good percentage of them used to be over who was taking care of what, and whether one person wasn’t pulling their weight enough in the relationship.


Couples who fall into The Tit for Tat Trap base their relationships on strict reciprocity. “I will only do this, if you do that. And if you stop doing what I expect of you, I will stop doing what you expect of me.”


All of which is to say: when it comes to accurately keeping score in a relationship, we suck.


At this point you might be thinking to yourself, “Scorekeeping is something douche-y guys do in a relationship. But not me. In my relationships I’m an incredibly generous and giving guy.”

Google 'scorekeeping -app argument' for more examples.