How can I capture video while playing Red Alert 2?

Solution 1:

You may try Taksi which is the open source alternative to FRAPS, and see if it works. This is my detailed post about Taksi.

Solution 2:

My solution for 2011 year, Windows 7.

  1. Trial version of Growler Cam. While fighting with its presets and finding, which of them work, this program crashes so often, that that's why I called it 'Complex Solution'. But at least, it doesn't need supermegaCPU.
    After capturing in special format you should export to avi, but program can't handle >4gb avi even on NTFS disk, so you have to export into several avis. Also avis will lack of some 'index info', what can be fixed by Virtual Dub.
    I have no success to record audio with Growler Cam, so:
  2. Audacity should be launched parallel to it.
  3. Then Virtual Dub to merge avis with mp3. Use Audio->Interleaving to crop first seconds of audiostream, which were recorded, while you switched to RA2 and started videocapturing.