Comparing a time delta in python

I have a variable which is <type 'datetime.timedelta'> and I would like to compare it against certain values.

Lets say d produces this datetime.timedelta value 0:00:01.782000

I would like to compare it like this:

#if d is greater than 1 minute 
if d>1:00:
  print "elapsed time is greater than 1 minute"

I have tried converting datetime.timedelta.strptime() but that does seem to work. Is there an easier way to compare this value?

You'll have to create a new timedelta with the specified amount of time:

d > timedelta(minutes=1)

Or this slightly more complete script will help elaborate:

import datetime
from time import sleep

start =
stop =

elapsed = stop - start

if elapsed > datetime.timedelta(minutes=1):
    print "Slept for > 1 minute"

if elapsed > datetime.timedelta(seconds=1):
    print "Slept for > 1 second"


Slept for > 1 second

You just need to create timedelta object from scratch, comparison after that is trivial:

>>> a = datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)
>>> b = datetime.timedelta(minutes=1, seconds=1)
>>> a < b
>>> a > b

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think that you could also use the following:

Instead of

if elapsed > datetime.timedelta(seconds=1):

You could say

if elapsed.seconds > 1:

if d.total_seconds() > 60:
  print("elapsed time is greater than 1 minute")

but it requires python 2.7+