Divide Int to Int and return Int

I need a function which gets two Ints (a and b) and returns A/B as Int. I am sure that A/B will always be an integer.

Here is my solution:

myDiv :: Int -> Int -> Int
myDiv a b = 
      let x = fromIntegral a
          y = fromIntegral b
      in truncate (x / y)

But want to find more simpler solution. Something like this:

myDiv :: Int -> Int -> Int
myDiv a b = a / b

How can I divide Int to Int and get Int ?

Why not just use quot?

quot a b

is the integer quotient of integers a and b truncated towards zero.

Here's what I did to make my own:

quot' a b
         | a<b = 0  -- base case
         | otherwise = 1 + quot' a-b b