for /l is your friend:

for /l %x in (1, 1, 100) do echo %x

Starts at 1, steps by one, and finishes at 100.

WARNING: Use %% instead of %, if it's in a batch file, like:

for /l %%x in (1, 1, 100) do echo %%x

(which is one of the things I really really hate about windows scripting.)

If you have multiple commands for each iteration of the loop, do this:

for /l %x in (1, 1, 100) do (
   echo %x
   copy %x.txt z:\whatever\etc

or in a batch file

for /l %%x in (1, 1, 100) do (
   echo %%x
   copy %%x.txt z:\whatever\etc

/l denotes that the for command will operate in a numerical fashion, rather than operating on a set of files
%x is the loops variable
(starting value, increment of value, end condition[inclusive] )

And to iterate on the files of a directory:

@echo off 
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion 

set MYDIR=C:\something
for /F %%x in ('dir /B/D %MYDIR%') do (
  set FILENAME=%MYDIR%\%%x\log\IL_ERROR.log
  echo ===========================  Search in !FILENAME! ===========================
  c:\utils\grep motiv !FILENAME!

You must use "enableDelayedExpansion" and !FILENAME! instead of $FILENAME$. In the second case, DOS will interpret the variable only once (before it enters the loop) and not each time the program loops.

Template for a simple but counted loop:

set loopcount=[Number of times]
[Commands you want to repeat]
set /a loopcount=loopcount-1
if %loopcount%==0 goto exitloop
goto loop

Example: Say "Hello World!" 5 times:

@echo off
set loopcount=5
echo Hello World!
set /a loopcount=loopcount-1
if %loopcount%==0 goto exitloop
goto loop

This example will output:

Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
Press any key to continue . . .

You could also try this instead of a for loop:

set count=0
set /a count=%count%+1
(Commands here)
if %count% neq 100 goto loop
(Commands after loop)

It's quite small and it's what I use all the time.

You could do something to the following effect avoiding the FOR loop.

set counter=0
echo "input commands here"
SET /A counter=%counter%+1
if %counter% GTR 200
(GOTO exit) else (GOTO loop)