Double Iteration in List Comprehension

Solution 1:

I hope this helps someone else since a,b,x,y don't have much meaning to me! Suppose you have a text full of sentences and you want an array of words.

# Without list comprehension
list_of_words = []
for sentence in text:
    for word in sentence:
return list_of_words

I like to think of list comprehension as stretching code horizontally.

Try breaking it up into:

# List Comprehension 
[word for sentence in text for word in sentence]


>>> text = (("Hi", "Steve!"), ("What's", "up?"))
>>> [word for sentence in text for word in sentence]
['Hi', 'Steve!', "What's", 'up?']

This also works for generators

>>> text = (("Hi", "Steve!"), ("What's", "up?"))
>>> gen = (word for sentence in text for word in sentence)
>>> for word in gen: print(word)

Solution 2:

To answer your question with your own suggestion:

>>> [x for b in a for x in b] # Works fine

While you asked for list comprehension answers, let me also point out the excellent itertools.chain():

>>> from itertools import chain
>>> list(chain.from_iterable(a))
>>> list(chain(*a)) # If you're using python < 2.6

Solution 3:

Gee, I guess I found the anwser: I was not taking care enough about which loop is inner and which is outer. The list comprehension should be like:

[x for b in a for x in b]

to get the desired result, and yes, one current value can be the iterator for the next loop.

Solution 4:

Order of iterators may seem counter-intuitive.

Take for example: [str(x) for i in range(3) for x in foo(i)]

Let's decompose it:

def foo(i):
    return i, i + 0.5

    for i in range(3)
        for x in foo(i)

# is same as
for i in range(3):
    for x in foo(i):
        yield str(x)