My Xbox One controller's left joystick popped out. What should I do?

I’m sharing pictures, because this seems fairly incredible to me:

Me holding my xbox controller, with the left joystick completely free

Close-up and slightly different angle

This controller fell maybe 3 feet onto a hardwood floor, and I was amazed to discover that the joystick — which doesn’t appear to physically fit through the, uh, joystick hole! — had completely detached. It definitely does not want to "pop back in" and I am a little nervous of the prospect of disassembling and re-assembling this $50 controller in order to get the joystick back in, but is that what I should do?

(Has this happened to anyone else?)

To clarify (to best comply with Stack Exchange rules): The main question here is: What is my best option for repairing this joystick-lite xbox controller?

Solution 1:

I ended up following a YouTube controller disassembly/repair video.

Note that you only have to get to the step where you remove the front plate. I needed a T8 Security Torx screwdriver bit. (Note a regular Torx head won't work, because Microsoft hates us. Also, some tutorials will say you need a T6 Security Torx bit, but that is only required for further disassembly which is not necessary here.)


Stick reattached, faceplate off Same faceplate off Back together