Use of the definite article in a date

Where is it appropriate to insert the definite article in a date? For example, how would I say that something will be delivered on Thursday, the 9th of July?

For example, are the following sentences idiomatic? I have placed the words I am unsure about in uppercase.

  1. Something will be delivered THE Thursday THE 09/07

  2. We will complete this task THE Monday THE 01/08.

Solution 1:

The first "the" in both sentences is unnecessary. You could use "by" instead of them.

Solution 2:

Spoken aloud, those should be:

Something will be delivered on Thursday, the 7th of August.

We will complete this task on Monday, the 8th of January.

To say that the events are expected to happen at some point during those days and at no other time.

In writing, you could contract that to:

Something will be delivered on Thursday, 09/07.

We will complete the task on Monday, 01/08.

In both cases, you may choose to say 'by' instead of 'on', which would instead indicate that the task may be finished sooner, but will in any case delivered no later than the indicated date.