Best Web applications framework for Java? [closed]

Which is the best framework for Java? I'm looking for something similar to Symfony for php and Ruby-On-Rails for Ruby? I even don't know if anything such exists for Java or not.

Take a look at Spring. I think it will do anything Ruby-On-Rails can do (you can also add Hibernate for ORM).

There are many great web frameworks for java, but if your looking for something that is similar to Rails, look at Grails. It uses Groovy, which is dynamic language, but uses the Java VM.

Check out their quick start to determine if it's what you want.

i suggest you to check out the playframework.

Why? this article sums it up nicely.

My current preferred Web Application Framework is the Play Framework.

I have used many of the other frameworks listed, such as Struts, Seam etc, but I have never used a framework that is so quick, and productive as Play. It reduces the amount of code needed to develop (rather than build boilerplate code like Roo), and it removes the code-build-deploy cycle. Compilation is done automatically by Play, and errors are displayed in the browser, making for highly successful immediate feedback.

If nothing else, I would recommend going to the Play homepage and taking a look at the screencast. It is a few minutes long, but shows the power of the framework.

i like grails, but there are a lot of these things out there, matt raible sems to have a good handle on them:
