How to pass Json object from ajax to spring mvc controller?

Solution 1:

Hey enjoy the following code.

Javascript AJAX call

function searchText() {
   var search = {
      "pName" : "bhanu",
      "lName" :"prasad"

       type: "POST",
       contentType : 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
       dataType : 'json',
       url: "/gDirecotry/ajax/searchUserProfiles.html",
       data: JSON.stringify(search), // Note it is important
       success :function(result) {
       // do what ever you want with data

Spring controller code


public  @ResponseBody String  getSearchUserProfiles(@RequestBody Search search, HttpServletRequest request) {
    String pName = search.getPName();
    String lName = search.getLName();

    // your logic next

Following Search class will be as follows

class Search {
    private String pName;
    private String lName;

    // getter and setters for above variables

Advantage of this class is that, in future you can add more variables to this class if needed.
Eg. if you want to implement sort functionality.

Solution 2:

Use this method if you dont want to make a class you can directly send JSON without Stringifying. Use Default Content Type. Just Use @RequestParam instead of @RequestBody. @RequestParam Name must be same as in json.

Ajax Call

function searchText() {
    var search = {
    "pName" : "bhanu",
    "lName" :"prasad"
    type: "POST",
    /*contentType : 'application/json; charset=utf-8',*/ //use Default contentType
    dataType : 'json',
    url: "/gDirecotry/ajax/searchUserProfiles.htm",
    data: search, // Note it is important without stringifying
    success :function(result) {
    // do what ever you want with data

Spring Controller


   public  @ResponseBody String  getSearchUserProfiles(@RequestParam String pName, @RequestParam String lName) {
       String pNameParameter = pName;
       String lNameParameter = lName;

       // your logic next