How to get only process ID in specify process name in linux?

How to get only the process ID for a specified process name in linux?

ps -ef|grep java    
test 31372 31265  0 13:41 pts/1    00:00:00 grep java

Based on the process id I will write some logic. So how do I get only the process id for a specific process name.

Sample program:

PIDS= ps -ef|grep java
if [ -z "$PIDS" ]; then
echo "nothing"
mail [email protected]

Solution 1:

You can pipe your output to awk to print just the PID. For example:

ps -ef | grep nginx | awk '{print $2}'

Solution 2:

You can use:

ps -ef | grep '[j]ava'

Or if pgrep is available then better to use:

pgrep -f java

Solution 3:

Use this: ps -C <name> -o pid=

Solution 4:

This command ignore grep process, and just return PID:

ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep java | awk '{print $2}'

Solution 5:

why not just pidof ?

pidof <process_name>

it will return a list of pids matching the process name