How to draw a vector path progressively? (Raphael.js)

Maybe someone is searching for an answer, like me for two days now:

// Draw a path and hide it:
var root = paper.path('M0 50L30 50Q100 100 50 50').hide();
var length = root.getTotalLength();

// Setup your animation (in my case jQuery):
element.animate({ 'to': 1 }, {
    duration: 500,
    step: function(pos, fx) {
        var offset = length * fx.pos;
        var subpath = root.getSubpath(0, offset);

That did the trick for me, only by using RaphaelJS methods.

Here is a jsFiddle example as requested in the comments,

Eureka! (Maybe - assuming you're comfortable stepping outside the friendly realm of Raphael into pure SVG land...)

You can use SVG keyTimes and keySplines.

Here's a working example:

...and here's some potentially useful explanation:

I'd like to offer an alternative, Raphael+JS-only solution that I have made substantial use of in my own work. It has several advantages over davidenke's solution:

  1. Doesn't clear the paper with each cycle, allowing the animated path to coexist nicely with other elements;
  2. Reuses a single path with Raphael's own progressive animation, making for smoother animations;
  3. Substantially less resource intensive.

Here's the method (which could quite easily be retooled into an extension):

function drawpath( canvas, pathstr, duration, attr, callback )
    var guide_path = canvas.path( pathstr ).attr( { stroke: "none", fill: "none" } );
    var path = canvas.path( guide_path.getSubpath( 0, 1 ) ).attr( attr );
    var total_length = guide_path.getTotalLength( guide_path );
    var last_point = guide_path.getPointAtLength( 0 );
    var start_time = new Date().getTime();
    var interval_length = 50;
    var result = path;        

    var interval_id = setInterval( function()
        var elapsed_time = new Date().getTime() - start_time;
        var this_length = elapsed_time / duration * total_length;
        var subpathstr = guide_path.getSubpath( 0, this_length );            
        attr.path = subpathstr;

        path.animate( attr, interval_length );
        if ( elapsed_time >= duration )
            clearInterval( interval_id );
            if ( callback != undefined ) callback();
    }, interval_length );  
    return result;

And here are two samples of its usage on my site: one for Path Transformation, and the other for Progressive Lettering.

I've created a script for this: Scribble.js, based on this great dasharray/dashoffset technique.

Just instantiate it overs a bunch of SVG <path>s:

var scribble = new Scribble(paths, {duration: 3000});
scribble.draw(function () {
    // done


NB: Full USAGE code here:

Enjoy ;)