Can I replace the default login screen for the Pantheon Greeter?

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04, and I'd like to know if I can replace the default login screen (Light-DM) for the one used on ELementary OS (Phantheon Greeter). If possible without installing the rest of the Elementary OS desktop.

Elementary OS Login Screen

Solution 1:

Yes, you only need to Install pantheon-greeter and change the LightDM conf file like so:

  • To get pantheon-greeter you'll need to add this PPA, open a terminal and type:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:elementary-os/daily && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pantheon-greeter elementary-theme fonts-open-sans-elementary fonts-raleway-elementary
  • Then open gedit as root, type gksu gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
  • Change the line greeter-session= to look like this greeter-session=pantheon-greeter
  • Log out