How to achieve List/Tree view in Nautilus?

You can do this in the Nautilus (Also called "Files") preferences window. Here's how:

  1. Make sure you have "Files" (program) running (or else the menus will NOT bring you the correct sub menus when you click on them)

  2. Click Edit > Preferences

  3. On the Views tab, select the List View viewing option next to "View new folders using:" and click close.

You're done!

Nautilus preferences window

gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences default-folder-viewer 'list-view'

Options are 'list-view', 'icon-view' and 'compact-view'.

The tree view can be enabled from the files > preferences. There is a check box for this.

Version : 3.8.2

enter image description here

This is the "List View" in Nautilus up to v3.4 (shipped with Ubuntu 12.10). It's no longer available in Nautilus v3.6

You can activate it in the "View" menu:

Screenshot of the Naulius View menu