How can I remove "Set Up Mail" and other entries from the message indicator?

Solution 1:

To remove the Set Up Mail... ( or Chat, Broadcast etc.) item for just your user account, simply run the following commands (replacing evolution with gwibber,empathy etc.):

This creates a folder that the Messaging Menu looks into for applications to not show:

mkdir ~/.config/indicators/messages/applications-blacklist/ -p

Now, to "blacklist" an item from the Messaging Menu:

cp /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications/evolution ~/.config/indicators/messages/applications-blacklist/

This has the same effect as removing evolution from /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications but it will only affect your user. Also, it takes effect immediately, you don't need to log out or restart the panel.

If for any reason you want to re-enable Set Up Mail, simply remove the file ~/.config/indicators/messages/applications-blacklist/evolution

Solution 2:

You can remove the evolution-indicator package and Evolution won't show up in the Messaging Indicator anymore.

Solution 3:

Note: as per Ted and pydave's comments, my original answer below is not the ideal solution. Refer to the other answers for better solutions.

Removing an item from /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications should remove its corresponding application from the messaging indicator. It should take effect the next time you log in.