.NET 3.5 SP1 Installer hang at around 80%

Solution 1:

Seriously either disabling the network adapter or pulling the ethernet seem to work for this issue. I have come across it recently, frustrating as all get out, but that was the answer.

Solution 2:

I can't speak to your specific problem, in a similar situation I would suggest using Process Monitor to see what happens when you run the installer a second time.

  1. Cancel the install.
  2. Start process monitor.
  3. Run the installer capturing event.
  4. Stop the trace after 5-10 minutes of nothing happening.
  5. Go through the log and filter out anything that isn't related

Googling for process and file names, will help you identify what isn't related.

Solution 3:

There are reports of users who claim that deactivating the network adapter solved the issue. I am aware that this is not a good solution for a production server.

I've also heard that real-time antivirus software can slow down the installation.

Solution 4:


Dont disable network. Try IE Connection setting and choose not to use any proxy or proxy settings file. Worked for me on Windows server 2003.


Same here for me, Disabling IE proxy allowed the install to complete.