Which Champions specialize in burst damage and high mobility?

I'm having trouble with having high mobility and yet dealing enough damage to matter in team fights. What is a good strategy, champion or build order that would allow me to be as mobile as I can while still having high enough damage to carry the game?

Could you classify them by lane as well?

Thank you!

You're looking for Assassins. Typically assassins have high burst and high mobility. Good examples are Kha'Zix and Zed.

Typically assassins are played in the mid or top lane, although some can/should jungle. Champion.gg is a great resource for finding out where each champion is typically played.

There are some non-assassin's that fulfill your requirements, but I don't think that they're precisely what you're looking for, given the examples that you provided.

I will list champions that fulfill both conditions, mobility and burst but i will differentiate them more by mobility and damage type than lane or "class" (ADC, bruiser, support, mage, assasin) because many of these champions can fill more than one lane.

What I define as a burst character : Champion who can do mayor damage in a really short period of time, can at least do 70% of max health in damage in that short time.

Some champion have burst patterns but they need more time tan what the op expects, Zilean,Poppy,Darius,Garen are characters that normaly have a burst pattern but need more time or preparation to archive what others do in mere seconds

What I define as a character with mobility: Champion with low cooldown skills that permits him to traverse some distances.

Characters like Teemo and Miss Fortune altough they can speed up to try outrun their pursuers they are considered pretty inmobile champions. having the capacity to run fast is not the same that having the capacity to leap or teleport on an enemy or away, with these teleport or leaps being nearly instant and covering a distance that would require more time with only movement speed

The champions I list can reliably kill squishy or weakened champions with only 1 spell rotation or combo in 3 seconds or less.

Multipurpose and high mobility:

Those are champions that can use their mobility spells to bypass obstacles in any direction and have a relative short cooldown.


  • Jarvan IV: Mobility through EQ combo, second gapcloser in R
  • Zed: Mobility through W , second gapcloser in R
  • Riven: Mobility through Q and E
  • Renekton: Less burst can 70%-0%, mobility through E
  • Kha'zix : Mobility through E, Speedboost in R, high burst conditional extra damage
  • Lee Sin : Can jump on enemies with Q, mobility trough W, high burst with R


  • Nidalee : Mobility in cougar form with W
  • Leblanc : Mobility through W, can replicate with R
  • Ekko : Mobility through E, less burst

Medium and Conditional Mobility:

These champions have their mobility tied to a condition, or can't use their mobility to bypass obstacles.


  • Talon: Can jump on enemy with E, speed boost and stealth with R
  • Pantheon: Can jump on enemy with W, major map movement with R
  • Rengar : Can jump on enemy with passive, speed boost + passive + stealth with R
  • Wukong : Can jump on enemies with E, minor speedboost with R


  • Akali: Can jump on enemy with R 3 times
  • Katarina : Can jump on enemies and allies with E
  • Ahri : Can dash with R 3 times
  • Elise : Spider-form E and Q, on enemies

The rest of the cast lacks any of the 2 conditions you describe, they may lack mobility but have burst or have mobility but not burst. Some may have bursty pattern but aren't meant for that except if fed beyond redemption then any character can be bursty.

I know there are champions that can speed themselves up but rarely are they real burst champions and more like sustained with some burst champions. I think this list caters to OP's question, champions that can get in fast and do their job of killing someone, with sometimes having a way out.