Can't do a mob invisible trick

Hello I'm trying to do a command that makes a Mob invisible to you but not invisible to other players I tried to do it with some sort of command that used 100 command blocks but all that did was crash my my game. I also tried making the mob flicker but all that did was make it invisible. :l

Solution 1:

You can accomplish similar using scoreboard teams:

Image comparing what a player on the same team as an invisible creeper sees vs a player not on the same team as an invisible creeper

Players on the same team as an invisible mob will see the invisible mob as semi-transparent, whereas players on a different team (or not on any team) will not see the mob at all.

To do this, create a team:

/scoreboard teams add SeeMobs

Then add the mob and everyone except you to the team:

/scoreboard teams join SeeMobs @e[type=???,r=???] @a[rm=1]

Then add the invisibility effect to the mob:

/effect @e[type=???,r=???] minecraft:invisibility 1000000 0 true

Replace @e[type=???,r=???] with however you're identifying the mob.