How do you get more Boosts in the Steam Grand Prix?

The Steam Grand Prix has lots of weird and unintuitive rules. You can use Boosts to spend up to 1000 distance points to make your team go faster, but the number of Boosts available seems limited, and I don't see any way to earn more Boosts once they've ran out.

4 boosts remaining

Is it possible to gain more Boosts? How?

The important thing to note here is, that boosting reduces your capacity by the amount of points/distance you boosted.

Say your current capacity is 1500 and you boost for 1000 distance, your capacity is now 500. Once you are at 0 capacity, you can not boost anymore.

To get more boosts now, you have to either wait for the next day (you get a free 100 capacity each day you participate) or buy games during the sale, every dollar you spend amounts to 100 capacity (this varies for different currencies, 1€ = 121 capacity for example).

Your number of boosts is determined by your ( Boost Capacity / 1000 ) with the remainder counting as 1 more boost.

  • If you have 5000 boost capacity, then the maximum amount of Boosts you can use is 5 (5000/1000).
  • If you have 5250 boost capacity, then the maximum amount of Boosts you can use is 6 (5000/1000, remainder 250 rounded up).

You gain more possible boosts by simply having more Boost Capacity. You can get boost capacity by:

  • Buying games. $1 = 100 points added to your total capacity.
  • Participating in the Grand Prix each day. You get an additional 100 boost capacity this way.

You gain the ability to USE boosts by getting Boost Points. Boost Points are earned by unlocking Achievements in Steam Games or completing challenges in participating Grand Prix Sale games.

It is important to note that your Boost Capacity will ALWAYS go down by the number of Boost Points used in your last boost. If your Boost Capacity is 5000, but you only have 4500 boost points to spend, your:

  • # of boosts is still 5, (4 x 1000 distance boosts, 1x 500 distance boost)
  • capacity will drop by 4500 points to 500 if you spend all your points

Thus, in order to gain more boosts, you need both more Boost Capacity, and Boost Points. Going back to the previous example, assume you have 5000 Boost Capacity.

  • If you have 4000 points, then the MAX usable boosts is 4, while the MAX possible boosts is 5.
  • If you have 4724 points, then the MAX usable boosts is 5, while the MAX possible boosts is 5.
  • If you have 200 points, then the MAX usable boosts is 1, while the MAX possible boosts is 5.