A phrase or idiom about living one life [closed]

I have a question about a phrase (an idiom), which can be roughly said as:

You have only one life (to live) and it's not going to happen again.

I'm not sure if it's correct, most likely not. What I want is a meaning of this phrase, not said like "You have only one" but like "Life is just one" or "One has only one" if you know what I mean. Not saying to someone: "You have" but saying it like a general statement ("One have" or "There's a..."). Something like:

One has only one life and it's not going to happen again (or repeat).

I thought about replacing the part "happen again" with something like "repeat" which would suit better from my point of view but as far as I searched the web, it's not used in this kind of phrase.

Suggestions for more less widely used or known phrases welcomed.

Solution 1:

This is usually rendered as

I have but one life to live.

Nathan Hale famously turned this around as he was about to be executed by the British:

I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.

Solution 2:

I've only got one life, and one pair of hands.

is a version of this saying that you may remember if you're familiar with the video or audiobook Mr. Bach Comes to Call (see transcript 1:39-1:44 of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0U-t0UxHopg).

Solution 3:

carpe diem

This is not an English phrase, to be sure, though it is well-known to English speakers. In my opinion -- thanks to Dead Poets Society -- it is a hackneyed phrase, but it captures something of what you want to convey.

Originally from Horace Odes 1.11:

Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero

Seize the day trusting as little as possible in tomorrow

Simply put: "Live it up, 'cause you only go 'round once"

Solution 4:

How about "Que sera, sera", or in English

Whatever will be, will be.

It avoids a direct address, and can be used in the same sense of "you don't know what is going to happen, so you might as well try"

Solution 5:

How about

We only go around once.

or even as straightforward as

You only live once.

(There is a Bond movie that suggests otherwise, however.)


You also asked for a "not you" phrase, which I haven't provided. How about

The clock of life is wound but once.

I think this is a line from a Robert Smith poem.