Instagram captcha error on new app creation

Solution 1:

If you look at the console, we can see there is an error related to "Content Security Policy" which avoid loading google captcha script :

Consent Security Policy

Based on this answer there is no easy way to disable "Content Security Policy" in Chrome except by using an extension. Such an extension is available here : Disable Content Security Policy [Google Chrome extension]

Once the extension is active, the instagram form loads without errors and should look like this :

enter image description here

For security reason I highly recommend to uninstall the extension once the app is created.

Solution 2:

I am getting the same errors, tried different browsers and even computers, no luck. I think its broken for everyone...

Edit: To clarify this is the form with the broken Captcha and seems to prevent any new clients from being created.

Edit2: Tried the following devices

  • Win10 w/ Chrome v61.0.3163.100
  • Android 7.12 w/ Chrome v61.0.3163.98

SUCCESS: Worked only on a MacOS(Sierra 10.12.5) with Safari. Tried with Chrome v60.x and still did not work on the Mac. Only Safari seems to work.

Solution 3:

Just go to your Google Chrome in your mobile phone (mine is Android) and it should work.

It worked for me ;)