Are the advent facility locations randomized or difficulty based?

I'm playing on the second hardest difficulty. I'm doing okay in actual missions, but I'm severely struggling with the Avatar project, which is really close to finishing.

The reason for this is that I started in west asia, but after the tutorial blacklist site, both other sites spawned all the way over in America, where I can't reach them until I first make contact.

However, to make contact with those, I first have to fill an entire chain of contacts over there, struggling with the contact limit and the amount of intel it costs to spread out over such a large area.

Did I just get extremely unlucky that both of the facilities spawned as far away as possible? Or is this difficulty based, meaning that on higher difficulties, your facilities spawn as far away as possible?

Solution 1:

Yeah, I started the game 4 times until now and every time it was completely random...

My current game is on Legend and my HQ is in East Asia. I have 2 Avatar facilities, one in West Asia, one in Australia.

Also keep in mind that various missions or hacking towers can lead to discovering more facilities.

I understand your frustrations but try not to worry too much about the avatar project completion. Instead, always try to ride the clock.

What I usually do, I wait until the avatar project is almost done, this including the final countdown. In the mean time I try to be as prepared as possible and enable 1 or 2 facility missions. After the countdown is close to an end I do a facility mission, making the avatar project to reset the clock and go down 2 squares. Then I wait again for countdown, do another mission and so on. That boost in the beginning is very important. Without it, playing on Legend is almost impossible... so take your time!