How much data does Pokemon Go use?

Solution 1:


I've been monitoring the data used of Pokemon Go to further test how much data is actually being used. Between the release and as today, Pokemon Go has accumulated 65.43MB worth of data. Roughly 90% of that was used while using 3G rather than connected to Wi-Fi. Most of the time I was in a sedentary environment hoping Pokemon would come my way, but I was also out-and-about a good bit of the time.

enter image description here

I have reviewed a few different sources and they all say Pokemon Go will use a good amount of data.

10 Best Ways to Reduce Data Usage

Pokemon Go will require a Strong Wi-Fi or network connection to play. Unless you have an Unlimited Data Plan or expect to play only in areas where Wi-Fi is available, you will need a Data Plan to play Pokemon Go. Your phone will also need to meet certain requirements.

Pokemon Go can average anywhere from 2MB - 8MB+ of data per hour, dependent on a variety of gameplay factors (Eg. Battling, Capturing, Walking).

Based on this information, if half of a 2GB data plan is allocated to playing Pokemon Go, users can reasonably expect to play four to six hours per day without an any issue. If Pokemon Go is played for more than six hours per day, an upgraded data plan may be needed

Best Ways to Reduce Data Usage

The main purpose of this article is to enable users to enjoy Pokemon Go without having to constantly monitor Data usage. Every Pokemon Go Trainer should be able to travel the world freely without fear of exceeding data limits. Fortunately, there are many ways Data usage can be reduced or limited.

  1. Download Applications and Updates only Using Wi-Fi
  2. Play Only in Areas where Wi-Fi is Available
  3. Set a Data Limit
  4. Browse Mobile Versions of Sites
  5. Chrome Data Saver
  6. Limit/Remove High Data Consuming Apps
  7. Restrict Background Data
  8. Avoid Streaming Videos, Music, Media
  9. Avoid Downloading of Media w/ Data
  10. Turn off Mobile Data

Other Sources

Yes, Pokemon GO Uses a Lot of Data and Battery

Your biggest Pokémon Go questions, answered

Spending a day on 'Pokémon Go' is not good for your phone's battery life

Solution 2:

It has used exactly 120 MB of data in roughly 10 hours of non-wifi play time. And I was walking at a pretty fast pace for the large majority of that time.

So, in short, expect 10-15 MB per hour. Which, in my opinion, is really not a lot considering the nature of the game.

I have used google maps's feature of pre-downloading a section of the world map for offline usage (in my case, I downloaded my whole city). No idea if Pokemon GO makes use of this