Does multiplying polynomials ever decrease the number of terms?

Solution 1:


Solution 2:

Here's an elementary example. Start with the well-known identity $x^n - 1 = (x-1) (x^{n-1} + x^{n-2} + \ldots + x + 1)$. If $n$ is odd, we can factor $x^n+1$ in a similar way by flipping the signs: $x^n + 1 = (x+1) (x^{n-1} - x^{n-2} + \ldots - x + 1)$. Now mix and match the two: $$\begin{align*} x^{2n} - 1 &= (x^n - 1) (x^n + 1) \\ &= (x-1) (x^{n-1} + x^{n-2} + \ldots + x + 1) (x+1) (x^{n-1} - x^{n-2} + \ldots - x + 1) \\ &= (x+1) (x^{n-1} + x^{n-2} + \ldots + x + 1) (x-1) (x^{n-1} - x^{n-2} + \ldots - x + 1) \\ &= (x^n + 2x^{n-1} + 2x^{n-2} + \ldots + 2x + 1) (x^n - 2x^{n-1} + 2x^{n-2} - \ldots + 2x - 1) \end{align*}$$ I don't see an obvious generalization to even values of $n$.