Single word describing something "outside of oneself"

ie.: The idea was "(blank)". It didn't come from myself, it was divine inspiration, dumb luck, etc.

or maybe: My essence/spirit was outside my body. It was "(blank)".

The two that immediately spring to mind would be external:

  1. Outside of something; on the exterior.

And extrinsic:

  1. external, separable from the thing itself, inessential
  2. not belonging to, outside of

In regard to the second part, if you truly felt your spirit had left your body, there is a set phrase for this: out-of-body experience.

People who have near-death experiences (another set phrase) often report out-of-body sensations as a part of the experience.

People who are able to intentionally induce an out-of-body experience, wherein they "travel" to other places, are practicing what is sometimes called astral projection.

See also remote viewing which has been a recurrent topic discussed by Art Bell on his radio show Coast to Coast am. Here is one such episode:

ecstasis or ekstasis: to be or stand outside oneself, a removal to elsewhere from ek- "out" and stasis "a stand" a form of ecstasy