How Do You Label The 3D Axis in Grapher?

It appears as though it's impossible to actually label them in 3D view. Although this probably wasn't the answer you were looking for, there is a workaround.

The reason you can't actually label the graphs:

Labels can not easily be added to 3D graphs because the text would have to be rotated through three dimensions with the graph itself (Apple explained this as difficult to write the code for).

So, a workaround for this:

  1. Save as a pdf
  2. Open the graph and then copy it.
  3. Paste into a word document
  4. Add any text where you need it with text boxes, label axis.

If you'd like to see the original copy of the above information, you can find it here.

Another helpful method that I've found was to save a standard 3-d template with colored unit vectors for the positive xyz-axis. I made the positive x-axis red, the positive y-axis blue, and the positive z-axis green. enter image description here