Install SMTP Service on Windows 2003 SP2 without Installation CD?

I need to modify my development environment, a virtual image using Windows 2003 SP2, to install the SMTP service under IIS (6.0). The virtual image is a corporate build, and I do not have access to the installation disc (and going through the corporate channels, this may take several days). Is there any way I can add the SMTP service without the install disc?

If there is alternative way of having an email service working on the virtual image, that also would be useful.

Thanks, MagicAndi

I Agreed with Sam, if you don't have the disk or i386 folder, then you'll probably have difficulties.

You could try downloading Sp2, and extracting the i386 folder from it (it's a while ago when I tried that, and can't remember if it worked).

Alternatively, schmooze the IT dept, or go for some third party SMTP server.

I'd imagine the IT dept would rather you use the MS one, than install a third party app...



Well the SMTP service installer needs some files from the installation disk, so if you don't have the disk, or you don't have the i386 folder on the machine somewhere, then you are a little stuck.

You could try and find the DLL's it asks for from the internet, but thats a pretty risky tactic, as they may not be what they claim to be and could cause you substantial problems.

Your other option is to install an alternative mail server on your machine, there are many free options available for Windows - Mailenable, Smartermail etc.

You could download an eval copy from MS and use that as your install source.

I have had some good luck with and extracted SP2 i386 folder in the past though, and - if memory serves - it worked fine one time with IIS.